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3 types of cameras: box, roll call, viewfinder

This article describes three types of cameras: box, roll call, and viewfinder. This information will help you determine which camera is best suited to your photographic needs.

For decades, boxing cameras have been the device of choice for typical amateur photographers. This is because it is cheap and simple, yet it produces excellent results under most conditions.

 Box cameras were typically equipped with a single-element lens, limited aperture control, and a single-speed shutter. Next is an up-and-coming movie camera.

This was also very popular, but not as popular as boxing cameras. There are various types of folding cameras, but basically, it is a box camera in which the lens is enclosed in a movable disc that allows the lens to slide back and forth on the handrail, and the focus of the lens is changed from short distance to long distance. I can do it.

More sophisticated models were available, but they were considered more expensive and of very high quality. However, the main advantage over the box camera was its compact design when folded, which made it easy to pack and transport.

Over the past few years, with the advent of some new professional equipment, vourol film cameras have had a slight renaissance. The large negative size and compact design are highly regarded.

Below is a viewfinder-type camera that looks at the subject without the use of a lens, but uses a separate in-camera display system to focus the display.

However, with a rangefinder camera, you can focus accurately by using two views of the same subject to adjust the focus. With this camera, there are two images in the viewfinder.

Usually one is part of the display area and is usually slightly yellowish. When the photographer adjusts the focus ring on the lens, the two images move.

If both are directly overlapped, they will mix and almost disappear. That is, the camera is in focus.

The rangefinder is accurate, very quiet and lightweight. It is also useful for taking pictures in dark places and for voluntary photography.

These cameras have a double-view window on the front for easy viewing. Enjoy and remember your love for photography. Try different angles and new lighting. Don't be afraid to be creative!

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